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Old March 8th, 2003
stief stief is offline
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acestu, you could try some of the workarounds that have been suggested over the past few months while you are waiting for the OS9 version. Search for "could not move to library" for many more details, but sometimes this can work: just delete the entry from the search pane, then go to the library pane, select the file you were trying to get from the "incomplete" list (usually the largest one), and hit the resume button. Repeating the search from the search pane also helps.

trap_jaw is right that this is one of the problems addressed in the next version, but maybe the delete/resume trick will help for a few files. It will not work on all.

And, I read that the Limewire team hasn't given up on an OS9 version--see

Last edited by stief; March 8th, 2003 at 04:16 PM.
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