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Old March 8th, 2003
alanrains alanrains is offline
Join Date: February 26th, 2003
Location: left coast USA
Posts: 10
alanrains is flying high

Hi again ...
... and thanx for keeping us posted. I'm glad you got to the bottom of your problem.

If I've learned anything over all the years, it's that one problem ALWAYS leads to another - re: your having to add the suffix to all those file names.

I've not done it, but one suggestion to solve that one is to write a little AppleScript script which will do it for you. You may even find a script already written somewhere by trolling the internet.


(Later, on edit)

Okay, so I'm missing some gray matter, too!

I just remembered that an AppleScript that will do exactly what you want comes w/the AppleScript package supplied w/your computer (or, at least it did w/mine). Look for the script "Add Prefix/Suffix to Files".

Last edited by alanrains; March 8th, 2003 at 08:03 PM.
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