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Old March 10th, 2003
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Joakim Agren Joakim Agren is offline
Trouble Shooter
Join Date: June 4th, 2002
Location: Örebro Sweden
Posts: 366
Joakim Agren is flying high

Originally posted by tross04401
Joakim Agren wrote:

Wellllllllllllllll, not true in 100% of the cases. There are some files out there that you get at 0Kbit/s that are actually downloading, even if it's going to take 256 days to complete.

sh-2.05b$ ls /media/Incomplete/ | grep Oz
Dark Side of Oz.mpg
Is an example

Yes it is true that it is not entirely true in 100% of the cases but this bug that you are mentioning I have only encountered abot twice. So it is a very small problem compared to the cheaters out there. I actually once just for the fun of it let a 0KB/s download stay in my download area for 5 days and the file was just 345KB in size and yeat it took it 5 days to download. Incredible how slow that one must have downloaded lets see:

5 days=120 hours

120H*3600=432000 seconds

345KB/432000= 0.000798KB/sec
<img src="">Sincerely Joakim Agren!
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