Originally posted by schweb I second that. I'd like Limewire to support Java 1.4.1 on OSX!! |
Making LimeWire run under 1.4.1 on Mac OS X is not something that can be done trivially. Much of the OS-integration code needs to be changed to support the new JVM-on-Cocoa environment. The media player won't work at all, because QuickTime for Java is not yet available for the new JVM. And, finally, using 1.4.1 would provide only marginal interface benefits over 1.3.1. Most of the FUD surrounding this issue seems to suggest, unfoundedly, that 1.4.1 would provide a performance and stability boost.
There would be no perceptible performance improvements, and testing with earlier DPs of 1.4.1 indicated that stability would suffer, although hopefully Apple has worked those kinks out.
I'd like to see LimeWire run on 1.4.1 on Mac OS X too, but I don't see it as a pressing priority. You wanna write the code? (I've thought about it, but I wouldn't be able to get around to it 'til the Gnutella network is actually usable again.
