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Old March 15th, 2003
trap_jaw trap_jaw is offline
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Default Re: Still waiting

Originally posted by fiberman
I don't understand why they are not working around the clock to fix it.
Because some people need their sleep.
In a few more weeks I'll feel at home with BearShare and will be using the pro version even though it cost more because it works. Limewire is just throwing the business away.
Couldn't move to libraries where not really such a pressing concern because they happened very rarely (originally). A little bug in 2.8.6 caused them to happen much more often. That bug has been fixed for a while and the latest version does not have that problem anymore.
Morgens ess ich Cornflakes und abends ess ich Brot
Und wenn ich lang genug gelebt hab, dann sterb ich und bin tot

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