Thread: how to launch?
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Old March 18th, 2003
fishinglure fishinglure is offline
Join Date: March 18th, 2003
Location: Annapolis, MD area
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fishinglure is flying high
Thumbs down how to launch?

I have recently installed LimeWire successfully on an iMac using system 9.0.4 Everything seems to be working well -- I can download various things (e.g. videos), but I am unable to see anything I have downloaded. When I hit on "launch", nothing happens or I get an error message saying there has been an internal error running LimeWire, but it should recover. I am requested to copy a text and email it to

Unfortunately, there is no way I can copy the message from my LimeWire application to my email system amd the message is far too long to retype.
It begins:
LImeWire version 2.8.6Java version 1.1.8 from Apple Computer,Inc. Mac OS v 9.0.4 and so forth.

I would like to make LimeWire work for me and would greatly appreciate any suggestions.

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