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Old March 19th, 2003
KayaMan KayaMan is offline
Join Date: April 13th, 2002
Location: The Zoo
Posts: 346
KayaMan is flying high

apparently none of the other mods follow the threads at all anymore *time for new moderators*.


i've never experienced the disappearing act you mention.

but i can shed some light on why it works and connects fast on the first shot, but not as well afterwards ( for now).

XoloX as introduced Ultrapeers, without getting into the network architecture of gnutella here.. .. basically you're either a leaf or ultrapeer. Ultrapeers shield leafs from the network and do most the query handling ( usually faster hosts and with high avg uptimes).

So, xolox as any other gnutella client will only become an ultrapeer once you've averaged a decent uptime and you're on a broadband connection. Until there are enough xolox UP's out there, just as with any other client... sometimes connecting as a leaf can take a while. Especially considering some Ultrapeers out there *only* allow their own client to connect.

In short, things will only get better and based on the network feedback in the next 2 weeks.. i imagine then a second release within 30 days.
On the main page there is a link to 'power tips' , there you'll find how to FORCE yourself to Ultrapeer.

hopes this info helped