Does Liwewire care about this problem I have never, through many versions, been able to re-establish a connection if my internet connection is interrupted.
I am a licensed LimeWirePro 2.8.6 user on a Macintosh iBook using OSX 10.2.4. I have 384 mb of ram and plenty of HD space.
At this time I'm using a wireless router with excellent speed. The wireless LAN has no noticeable effect with regards to performance.
Over the last year or so, as I've been a registered user, I have found on both my iMac and now iBook, that if for some reason my DSL connection burps and I loose the signal, once re-established the only way I can get Limewire to re-connect is to quit the application and then restart it.
No matter how many times I click the "connect" button in the menu bar, It will not work. I find this to be terribly inconvenient. But, the problem stumps me.
Any suggestions. Or, is this a bug? |