Originally posted by Aeroe hate to say it but i agree somewhat
gnutella needs some serious revising if it will surpass things like winmx and musiccity/kazaa.
i can only get maybe 1/10 downloads to complete where as on the others i mentioned around 9/10 times. that's not including the ones that say they are available and never start.
gnutella is my last resort for any form of media too |
What the hell client are you using? Either you're using like, "Phex v0.", LimeWire 0.0 alpha, the brand newest version of CrashMaster 2000, or the newest version of the hit Finnish client "ajkgl;qb ajksl;n;bgjdfljaglkgj bakl; akjdfklnjkly", Finnish for "That is a fish." I can better results on LimeWire 1.6 in my
dial-up, so who knows what you could get.