I too had the 'un-logged/no-warning' shutdown issues with the original 1.5 release. After following the various threads and seeing similar problems, I backed down to the previous 1.41 release.
This afternoon I gave the new beta a try... Initally, I recieved an error " Exception message:Exception occured in Xotella.BannerDownloadTimerTimer "<**Details below>. That proved to be Zone Alarm shutting down the ad's too quickly so I bumped up ZA's Ad's to Load wait time from 3 to 5. That seemed to work like a charm 'cause w/o a reboot XoloX was connected and rocking! Yeah Baby!
Log story short... Once the ZA fix, a connection was made to 5-peers 0-leafs, my previous downloads resumed, and all has been well for 2-hours w/ XoloX in a restored state and 2-hours with XoloX minimized and sent to the Tray.
I hope this helps. Now everyone go and download the new beta to get those leafs flowing....
Keep Sharing Alive!!!
Win XP Pro SP1 & Latest Win Updates (as of March 20th)
- P4 2.0Ghz - 640 Mb -
- ZA v3.7.143 - Meaya PopUp Filter
- PC-cillin2002 v6.51, Pattern: 492
All backed by a total of 200Gig of Storage and growing
HMODULE: 4194304
Unhandled exception EHandleOsError
Exception message:Exception occured in Xotella.BannerDownloadTimerTimer
Exception: EOleException
Message: Unspecified error
Prev call stack: [00504E66]
Call stack: