Thread: Too Slow! Help!
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Old March 23rd, 2003
Jack Jack is offline
Gnutella Jewel
Join Date: February 6th, 2003
Location: somewhere over the rainbow
Posts: 90
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Thumbs up Re: wow looks complicated

Originally posted by wordww
I am checking out NeoModus FAQ. It sounds really complicated. Could you give me an idea as to what I should do to download on a Mac X.2.4 G4 to down load MP3's. I am going to try it though the FAQ sounded very compicated and for other kinds of files.
Pls. let me know
Hi Mira,
I will try and explain as much as I can as I am new to the programme myself. When you have downloaded and installed "Direct Connect" go to preferences and click on the identity icon and select a user name, describe the files you are sharing and the type of connection you have. Next click on the file icon and select the folders that you want to use for your downloads and sharing. Next click on the network icon and select the mode best for you and adjust the bandwith slider, that's you ready to connect to a file sharing hub. When you have the main interface on the screen click on the connect icon. Then click on the public icon, that will give you a list of the different hubs available. It all depends on how much you have to share which hubs you can enter. i.e. 1gb, 2gb 3gb, 5gb 10gb etc. Select the hub you want to connect to and enter. Once in the hub do a search for what you want and download, or doubleclick on a user name and all the files that they have for sharing will be available to you. It sounds complicated but after a couple of times it falls in to place. It's good for getting full albums. A bit of advice, entering a hub where you do not have enough to share will get you kicked off. Do it again and they will log your IP and ban you. I done that before I knew how they operated, it's all Trial and Success!
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