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Old March 24th, 2003
lewinb lewinb is offline
Join Date: December 10th, 2002
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Default Ditto

Ditto for me... I have upwards of 380 megs available on my drive, but began to get the dreaded message more and more consistantly. I have tried moving the incomplete and Shared folderd to a different drive, with over 15 Gb available, to no avail. I have tried upgrading from 2.8.5 to 2.9.whatever, to no avail. Rather, it has become WORSE. Now, I get either "could not move to library," or "Could not Download" IMMEDIATELY after starting a file, in many cases.


There have been something like 900 posts on this topic during the past several months. I know developers like to go out and have drinks occasionally, but COME ON. This has been going on since OCTOBER.

Something needs to be mentioned in the FAQ, at the least. SURELY, the developers can not, after receiving THIS MANY posts about this, still think it is some sort of "user error." give me a BREAK! I don't think that the developers (who wish for us to PAY for this software) realize how very, incredibly IRKSOME this problem is.

SO, HOW ABOUT IT? Can we FOR ONCE have a clear, CORRECT response to this issue?
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