The Pro version is almost exactly the same as the Free version (except for missing bundled software like LimeShop and whatever LimeWire is distributing with its Windows installer at the moment).
The problem was that automatic requeries by other clients were reducing the network performance. Over the last few months only a fraction of the network could be searched due to all the requeries. The communication with other gnutella developers to much more careful about sending requeries proved not very fruitful, so the LimeWire developers decided to ban requeries altogether (unfortunately including LimeWire's requeries).
Manually entered searches should return a lot more results once more users upgrade - the first effects of this new policy should already be visible.
__________________ Morgens ess ich Cornflakes und abends ess ich Brot
Und wenn ich lang genug gelebt hab, dann sterb ich und bin tot
--Fischmob |