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Old March 29th, 2003
lut321 lut321 is offline
Join Date: December 19th, 2002
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lut321 is flying high
Default Ultrapeers and leaves

Hi All,
I have a question about the Gnutella06 protocol. LimeWire introduced the Ultrapeer-leaf model to organize Gnutella peers into 2 hierarchy. This seems to be a good invention because it addressed the problem of heterogeneous nature of peers, delegate work according to one's capacity, and limited the message flooding. (especially avoided overloading low-capacity nodes with too many msg). I am just wondering, how does a leaf node choose its Ultrapeer? Is it relatively static (a particular leaf node is likely to get the same ultrapeer very time) or is it purely dynamic(decided rather randomly). Do you have any thought or comment about Ultrapeer/leaf convention?
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