Thread: Help!!!!
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Old March 29th, 2003
ViRuS eRrOr ViRuS eRrOr is offline
Join Date: February 19th, 2003
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Posts: 8
ViRuS eRrOr is flying high

Originally posted by stief
OK. You've convinced me. I love Macs. My life would be incomplete without them. I'm sorry. I'll leave now. Good luck with your English, your skating and your d/l's.
I speak perfect English buddy. Mac's are sweet, better than Windows WILL EVER get! I don't care if you like Mac's. I don't skate, and my d/l's would prolly be fine if you got out of the Mac fourms! If you have a PC, you hate mac users, and you can't stand people who have Mac's, Why are you here? Why are you trying to help me? Will you stop flaming in my thread?
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