Thread: Help Please
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Old March 29th, 2003
David91 David91 is offline
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Location: Singapore
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Default Thanks

Thanks for all the help guys!

But, as you knew I would, I have worked it out. So, for the benefit of all those who follow in my footsteps, let me tell you about the partitioning in this stupid machine. Appletalk can be turned on and work within OS9.2 and the Classic mode, but it will not seep through the partition into OSX. And, guess what. If Appletalk is not separately turned on in OSX, uploading dies.

Now all I have to do is to work out how to stop the machine from freezing up (and so dropping downloads) and to identify why LW has a tendency to die in OSX (but not OS9.2) while the machine is sleeping. I still ike the idea of being able to share 24 hours a day.

So keep your help flowing. It really is appreciated.
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