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Old March 31st, 2003
stief stief is offline
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If you're on OSX, the firewall limits the people who can connect to you (sorry, I'm still trying to work around this and the NAT!). Too, LW serves out chunks in 97.7 KB, so if people can get them elsewhere faster, you'll not see many uploads, or only small chunks. Recently I've noticed I only see uploads in the Monitor pane when in leaf mode, and none when in Ultrapeer (seen in the Connections pane). LW has some logic that tries to find the optimal configuration of what's best for the network, and it's still under development. This means that some clients work better than others--watch the vendor/version column to see patterns. For some reason Acquisiton is having trouble completing downloads. Since any Acq client will be on OSX, the firewall will be a major factor here I think.

I've left my prefs at default, but forced IP to help others get around my NAT, and disabled ultrapeer for the time being. Still not sure about turning the firewall off. about 1/3 of the uploads attempted complete, and d/l .mpgs usually complete--sometimes after trying for weeks to get the right host at the right time.

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