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Old March 31st, 2003
CUJosh223 CUJosh223 is offline
Join Date: March 31st, 2003
Posts: 1
CUJosh223 is flying high
Exclamation help me get around university filter!!!

I am a student at the University of Colorado and my main problem with using any file sharing program is the fact that we are on a LAN in the dorms that has the Packeteer file filter system on it. We had a WinMX network, CUNap, within the LAN that was up and worked magnificently, but it was neglected and no longer works. The only file sharing program that seemed to work fast (though not as fast as CUNap) was limewire until recently. Now, limewire is just as slow as any other commercial file sharing program (Bearshare, KaZaA, Morpheus). PLEASE help me find a way to subvert Packeteer so that I can start downloading songs in less than a half hour again...
...maybe these links will help.
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