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Old April 9th, 2003
Angel Pagan Angel Pagan is offline
Join Date: April 8th, 2003
Location: Bronx, New York
Posts: 2
Angel Pagan is flying high

trap_jaw, thanks for your reply.
Probably. But if you don't run into too much trouble I would leave it running. - (You know that OSX comes with it's own integrated iptables based firewall?)
From what I understand, 10.2 (Jaguar) has built-in firewall. I have 10.1.5. I do plan on upgrading though.
You should only see three hosts. LimeWire rarely creates 15 outgoing connections for some reason, that's a still unidentified bug. Those connections are the ultrapeers you are connected to. If you are an ultrapeer yourself you will connect to more ultrapeers but also to leafs who will search the gnutella network through you. The ultrapeers are a little like servers that send your searches to the rest of the network.
There are between 5 and 10 hosts with "outgoing" status in my "connections" tab as I type this. It fluctuates. I set my "max upload slots" to 5. It was previously at 20. Don't know if this is related, though.

I added my music folder to the library. Although the bottom left screen would state something like "300/833 files shared", I don't see anything in my upload page. How can I be sure that my music files can be accessed on the network?

David91, thanks for your replay. I did a few searches and read some posts but the "newbie" questions were far more along than where I am. Same with the FAQ.
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