Rescue strategies If a download stalls (sorry, when a download stalls becase it does that more often than not) you must immediately kill the download and recommence the download from its original position in the hit list (not from a separate listing in any browsed list of the host you may have made). If you are quick, you can often catch the end of the connection before it is deleted from the routing system. I tend to sit with the original source hits highlighted ready waiting — in appropriate cases, I have already ungrouped to identify the specific host from whom I am downloading.
If that fails, search again for the specific item using exactly the same typographical layout as shown in the download box. Second or third hits will often refresh the partial item as it sits in the download position. Be prepared to make rapid sequential searches and to make download requests aggressively rather than wait passively for the system to interrogate for "lost" connections. I tend to set up the search boxes ready for rapid repeat searches when a source host is obviously going to be unreliable. In all this, do not forget to delete the hit boxes to keep the original hit list in place. Losing the original listing closes off a restart option prematurely.
I know all this sounds a nuisance because it means you have to concentrate when you are downloading, but I treat downloading like a computer game and, given the speed of my reactions, once I find a host at reasonable kb/s speed, I rarely lose the complete download. |