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Old April 12th, 2003
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Joakim Agren Joakim Agren is offline
Trouble Shooter
Join Date: June 4th, 2002
Location: Örebro Sweden
Posts: 366
Joakim Agren is flying high


LimeWire reports download speeds in KiloBytes/second not Kilobits/second. This means that 20KB/s is 200Kbits/s a quite good download speed on Gnutella. That you received an average download speed of 750KB/s on Bearshare is highly unlikely since that is above the maximum of what you can get on Gnutella regardless of connection speed. Bearshare reports the download speed in Kilobits/s meaning that 750 is about 75KB/s. But I doubt that you where actually getting those speeds as an average speed. 77KB/s is my record speed fom an individual host and I am on 8Mbit/s VDSL connection. Most hosts on Gnutella simply cannot offer you a download speed of 75KB/s not even T-3 ones that are often under high download pressure.

Read my posts in these threads that describes alot of download speed factors on Gnutella:
<img src="">Sincerely Joakim Agren!

Last edited by Joakim Agren; April 12th, 2003 at 10:40 AM.
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