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Old April 12th, 2003
Pirx Pirx is offline
Join Date: April 12th, 2003
Posts: 5
Pirx is flying high

Sure, in general I like the way Gnutella searches for exactly the same reasons. But sometimes I really want a certain file, and in that case it is quite inconvenient.
But I really wonder, if such a search option would not be a method to reduce traffic significantly. I just recently searched for files by Edit, and it takes two or three attempts every five minutes or so to get some results. Retrying really makes a difference here.
While I repeat searches to get these rare files, Gnutella has to return everything about Edit again and again. I'm almost sure that our searches push each other in the narrow channels of our favorite network.

Last edited by Remoc; February 11th, 2008 at 07:16 PM.
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