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Old April 12th, 2003
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Joakim Agren Joakim Agren is offline
Trouble Shooter
Join Date: June 4th, 2002
Location: Örebro Sweden
Posts: 366
Joakim Agren is flying high


There is a maximum time that LW will continue to find new UltraPeers and also there is a maximum connection attempt time to individual hosts. Excactly how long that time is I do not know but if you find yourself in an unusual void space of the network and LW fails at finding new UltraPeers to connect to whitin a certain amount of time or if it finds them but it takes to long time to connect then LW will loose all the 3 connections and just sit there unconnected and it does not help to use the Reconnect option either. The only thing that you can do is to either manually add the IP address of a UltraPeer that you know the IP to or just to simply shut down LW and once again Launch LW and it will probably connect to Gnutella. Also to connect to Gnutella and get a stable connection these days requires that you are using version 2.6X or newer that has GWebCache support.

Personally I think that this maximum search time for new UltraPeers and maximum connection time is a bug that should be fixed by the LW Team. I only suffers from it when connected to only 3 UltraPeers(The only option in 2.9X versions) and it happens more often when on a modem connection because it simply takes longer to connect to individual UltraPeers on a slow connection.
<img src="">Sincerely Joakim Agren!
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