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Old April 21st, 2003
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Joakim Agren Joakim Agren is offline
Trouble Shooter
Join Date: June 4th, 2002
Location: Örebro Sweden
Posts: 366
Joakim Agren is flying high

Originally posted by Ned Flanders
Here's one for you. Right now I have downloads coming in, yet the connection light is RED and there are no connections listed. It is not searching for a connection either, it is off. Also, Incoming Searches are Enabled, non listed.



By default LimeWire will continue the transfers even after you have been disconnected from Gnutella and can no longer search. This means that you can both continue to download a file and others can upload from you even after you got disconnected from Gnutella just as long as the transfer was initiated while you where still connected. To change this option in LimeWire select Tools>Options>Shutdown

and here select the Option Shutdown imediatelly and then click Apply and then OK. And then shut down LW and Launch it again.
<img src="">Sincerely Joakim Agren!

Last edited by Joakim Agren; April 21st, 2003 at 10:03 AM.
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