Thread: Trashed Movie
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Old April 25th, 2003
Jack Jack is offline
Gnutella Jewel
Join Date: February 6th, 2003
Location: somewhere over the rainbow
Posts: 90
Jack is flying high
Unhappy Trashed Movie

Hi Guys,

I downloaded a movie and decided it was of poor quality so I decided to trash it.

An avi file, I am on Mac OSX 10.1.5 the movie was 581mb not one of those AWESOME's.

When I try to empty the trash the whole of my screen fills up with with messages - Black background - White text. Most of the data is about Kernells.
What are Kernells and any ideas as to how I can solve this problem? Any advice much appreciated.


P.S. I tried to take a snapshot of the screen but could not.
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