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Old April 25th, 2003
Exaeon Exaeon is offline
Join Date: April 19th, 2003
Posts: 15
Exaeon is flying high
Default Its baaaccckkkk....sorry stief

The connection is falling apart again....when I sent the last part of that post, it had been holding for about 45 mins. When I trie to search for something, it found it...the usual...but alittle after I had started to d/l the friggin failed. Just a refresh on the prefs and my system...
-Mac OSX 10.1.5

->110 files

-disabled ultrapeer

-forced IP...but I took off the IP number to test it again...neither work

-I have a router and a firewall...but I has NEVER caused a problem before.

-Two other comps have sharing programs on them and are still running

-I've used LW for AWHILE...and alittle after d/l the new version (which initially worked) it could not connect to any IP ad.

I can't think of anything else that could cause a problem.....BTW my files are runnable...any help would be.....helpful THANX
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