Its unfortunate about bear share because that has really made Vinnie arrogant, and threatening other gnutella clients in how they should act, by threatening to use their software to block them out.
I would urge those who use Bearshare to stop using it, and to try out <b>Phex</b> or even Limewire. Phex is by far the best client I have used, I share a lot of files and with Bearshare and Limewire I would not get much in return, when I got phex I was finaly feeling like I am getting back what I put into the network, this is greatly due to their auto re-search feature, that automaticly checks to see if a file is available from another client, meaning I can leave the Phex alone to do its thing and it will work with out me. My results went from 1-2 a night to 6-7 a night. When I told my friend about it, he had recieved similar results, he was impressed by Phex.
Now Vinnie is threatening Phex, and seeing the user base BearShare has, its really sad to see that such an arrogant jerk has that kind of power.