Thread: About Limewire
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Old May 9th, 2003
Sleipner Sleipner is offline
Join Date: February 22nd, 2003
Location: Sweden
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Originally posted by Tetsuo
On the contrary. The truth is, LimeWire does not work very well for intranets without modifying the source code.
You dont need to modify anything, just add the address pointing at the local adress

Last version (2.9.x) moves from 15kb/s outgoing message bandwidth for ultrapeers down to 8kb/s outgoing bandwidth, while improving the search horizon substantially.
If you are a supernod yes, but Limewire does not give me that status inspite the fact that im having ADSL 512/512, so im only leaf. so the 3 hosts have a total bandwidth of 1.5 K only

However, to reduce the traffic, LimeWire has limited the number of search results to return.
Ya i know that, also strange, should be much higher.

(One problem might be, that if a new LimeWire node connects to a Morpheus/Gnucleus or MyNapster ultrapeer it will return virtually no search results at all, due to the low performance of GnucDNA based ultrapeers).
Both those does not shield off the traffic properly, so i get almost all their traffic here as leaf-nod
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