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Old May 15th, 2003
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herbwx herbwx is offline
Join Date: April 29th, 2003
Posts: 11
herbwx is flying high
Default Re: Hi Herbwx

Well, not only am I not under 40.... I'm not under 50 !! But when one upgrades a program to the "newer" (read: improved?) version and it simply won't work, what is one to do ?

It's not a matter of instant gratification. Zero downloads over the course of a week is no-gratification. My setup had to have been correct as I made no changes except for the upgrade.

And as soon as I downloaded a different program, the new program worked -- and continues to work -- flawlessly. I wish I could've stuck with LW; but sometimes a new experience is better in the long-run. This is just one person's story; your mileage may differ.


Originally posted by David91
If you check back through all my posts, you will find the statistics of my experience using Limewire are well documented. I can assure you that no sarcasm was nor is intended. As an old guy, I simply cannot relate to the apparent need for instant-gratification that most people under forty years seem to have these days. I graft for my downloads and, by my standards, have been pretty successfull. If you feel that you are going to get easier pickings elsewhere, good luck to you. For those that remain, I offer no more than the simple encouragement that, through hard work, you will prevail.
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