There is a saying "We learn more from mistakes than we do from successes". Well, I have to admit, I have learnt a lot about Linux recently
. And I still have so much to learn.
I can see now that I have to re-think the whole thing. The server that I have been experimenting with is running SMEServer V5.6 from I think this is an excellent package for the non-Linux-savvy (like me, a couple of weeks ago). However, as they claim, "at e-smith we plan to stand out from the crowd by keeping features to a minimum". Admirable, except when a newbie tries to bolt-on something extra like gtk-gnutella and vncserver - then at every turn, another 'feature' has to be added to take the next step - nothing major, just the odd X Windows here and maybe a C compiler there...
So, for the time being, I am stepping back from this project (any cricket fans here?: 'retired, hurt'). Thanks for all the helpful suggestions, I think I now understand how to do it - but I don't yet have the skill to see it through.
Ursula: I am not sure what a cross-post is, but I assume it is not good, so I decided not to respond to Thanks, I do appreciate your help