My final thoughts on this matter There is an example, much beloved by those who write introductory books to Statistics. It shows a direct correllation over time between the rise and fall of sunspot activity and the hem lengths of ladies skirts. You talk as if the concepts "rightness" or "correctness" are somehow absolutes and relevant to our activity in this place. Most philosophers would say that "rightness" is at best relative or culturally normative and, in this place, we have probably defeated the rationale of its existence because our disagreement seems to have driven away the one person we were supposed to be helping. So my sincere apologies are due to sneekee_d.
I have never been afraid to offer up my own pretence of knowledge for comment and criticism because that is the way I take responsibility for who I am. Simply claiming to be "right" or offering one example of a successful outcome with no satisfactory explanation of context or methodology is never enough. To earn respect from your peers you have to offer a full and proper explanation. In default, why should we think that your success was anything more than blind luck or the result of sunspot activity? When I gently asked for the opportunity to learn from you, all you offered was a discourteous rebuff. Perhaps when you grow older and more confident in your knowledge, you will become more consensual. As it is, your aggressive unilateralism seems to me unhelpful in a place where helpfulness is supposed to be the prime virtue. |