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Old May 22nd, 2003
madamimadam madamimadam is offline
Join Date: May 9th, 2003
Posts: 14
madamimadam is flying high

Originally posted by Peerless
Heh...I must say, if you think Urs and KathW are "fixated" on a no flaming policy you are greatly mistaken...they are two of the most liberal mods on that subject...considering the given date of your joining this forum, I will forgive you for the ignorance, because you missed all the "fun" times in the past involving censorship, etc...Obviously there is a rule regarding gross flaming, and it seems the 'rulers that be' desire a "civil" forum, and since neither you nor I pay for these servers, we can only deal with it as best we can (note: I feel that a certain degree of flaming is acceptable and to be expected in many cases..other's obviously don't...*sigh*)...

As far as the specifics of your machine and such...I'll pass...I'm not a Mac user, and if you feel that installing 1.4.1 solved your problem (which it prolly did, but was most likely a case of the upgrade repairing as opposed to 'installing' something new..) then fine!...maybe it is an issue with the specifics regarding the build of 1.3.1 you had on your machine?? (I mean, was it supplied OEM, and maybe Apple decided to delete something essential to the use of LW in an effort to combat piracy???)...

At this point, who really cares??? It's obviously working for you, which is great, and is not yet working for sneekee_d, which sucks...
I am too tired on a Friday to argue with ANYONE to I'll just comment on your last point... we don't know whether it would work for sneekee_d or not because they have not attempted to reinstall Java (be it 1.4.1 or 1.3.1). I have admitted MANY times already that installing 1.4.1 probably does just patch 1.3.1 but sneekee_d has patched java with a developer version of 1.4.1 and then patched the developer version to make full 1.4.1. This is can cause disaster... most of the time it is not the fault of user that this problem is there but it is, unfortunately, up to the user to fix it.

Oh, David, can you please get your head out of your ****... you're killing me here.
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