Hi, I installed the above version and I Get an error text sent to me, although it appears to have installed. Sadly, i have nothing to compre it to, as I don't know what performance should be like if the install was eror free. Could somebody please check out th efollowing error and tell me if I should be worried, have a problem, and -or how can I fix it?
Many thanks in advance. here is the error. thanks for taking the time to read it....
__________error message_________________________________
InstallerModeController: No lock file present.
Extractor Directory Not Found, using 'user.dir'
Default properties location = /Users/matthew/Desktop/LIMEWIRE ALL/
UI Mode set to Default - SWING.
__________________________________________________ ________________________
__________________________________________________ ________________________
InstallAnywhere 5.0.7 Enterprise
__________________________________________________ ________________________
Sat May 24 00:33:09 CEST 2003
Free memory = 15085 kB
Total memory = 16256 kB
No arguments.
/Users/matthew/Desktop/LIMEWIRE ALL/LimeWire_Installer.app/Contents/Resources/Java
/Users/matthew/Desktop/LIMEWIRE ALL/LimeWire_Installer.app/Contents/Resources/Java/Installer.zip
/Users/matthew/Desktop/LIMEWIRE ALL/LimeWire_Installer.app/Contents/Resources/Java/IAClasses.zip
/Users/matthew/Desktop/LIMEWIRE ALL/LimeWire_Installer.app/Contents/Resources/Java/installscript.zip
/Users/matthew/Desktop/LIMEWIRE ALL/LimeWire_Installer.app/Contents/Resources/Java
/Users/matthew/Desktop/LIMEWIRE ALL/LimeWire_Installer.app/Contents/Resources/Java/Installer.zip
/Users/matthew/Desktop/LIMEWIRE ALL/LimeWire_Installer.app/Contents/Resources/Java/IAClasses.zip
/Users/matthew/Desktop/LIMEWIRE ALL/LimeWire_Installer.app/Contents/Resources/Java/installscript.zip
java.version == 1.3.1 (Java 2+)
mrj.version == 3.3
java.vm.name == Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
java.vm.vendor == "Apple Computer, Inc."
java.vm.version == 1.3.1_03-69
java.vm.specification.name == Java Virtual Machine Specification
java.vm.specification.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.vm.specification.version == 1.0
java.specification.name == Java Platform API Specification
java.specification.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.specification.version == 1.3
java.vendor == Apple Computer, Inc.
java.vendor.url == http://apple.com/
java.class.version == 47.0
java.compiler == null
java.home == /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.3.1/Home
java.io.tmpdir == /tmp
os.name == Mac OS X
os.arch == ppc
os.version == 10.2.6
path.separator == :
file.separator == /
file.encoding == MacRoman
user.name == matthew
user.home == /Users/matthew
user.dir == /Users/matthew/Desktop/LIMEWIRE ALL
user.language == en
user.region == US
__________________________________________________ ________________________
Installer: InstallAnywhere 5.0.7 Enterprise Build 1680
__________________________________________________ ________________________
System's temporary directory = /private/tmp/501/Cleanup At Startup/
Installer: no 'sea_loc' in working dir, couldn't define $EXTRACTOR_EXECUTABLE$
RepositoryManager: lock acquired on: /Library/Preferences/.com.zerog.registry.lock
ZGUtil: Data zip found in: /Users/matthew/Desktop/LIMEWIRE ALL/LimeWire_Installer.app/Contents/Resources/Java/Installer.zip
RepositoryManager: Local repository location is: /Applications/LimeWire/UninstallerData/Uninstall LimeWire.app/Contents/Resources/Java/.com.zerog.registry.xml
CDS: Free Disk Space in bytes == 67139813376
CDS: Required Disk Space in bytes == 7014566
Unknown Mac OS File Type: info.plist
Unknown Mac OS File Type: xml.war
Unknown Mac OS File Type: update.ver
Retrying Installables deferred in pass 0
Deferral retries done because:
There were no deferrals in the last pass.
RepositoryManager: lock acquired on: /Library/Preferences/.com.zerog.registry.lock
RepositoryManager: repository successfully written to stable storage
RepositoryManager: lock acquired on: /Applications/LimeWire/UninstallerData/Uninstall LimeWire.app/Contents/Resources/Java/.com.zerog.registry.lock
RepositoryManager: repository successfully written to stable storage