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Old May 25th, 2003
David91 David91 is offline
91 is my age not my IQ!
Join Date: February 24th, 2003
Location: Singapore
Posts: 325
David91 is flying high
Default Hmmm

"Hey, if you're long haired you're my dream-geek----I'm from back in the day! And---could you clarify once more---on that 91----which was it??"

In the days before my death from old age (variously reported in newspapers as a device to claim on the life insurance policies), I did have a hippy phase with shoulder length hair. As the hair evolved from military cut, I used to hang with many of the groups of the fifties, sixties and a couple from the seventies. It was a fun time. Now, I'm living off the ill-gotten gains in SE Asia, stiff as a board most mornings until I take the Zimmer frame for a trot round the block, but all right in the brain box department apart from occasional lapses into dementia. I do seem to remember that the Messenger Pigeons are almost extinct now, for example, so don't rely on me too heavily. As soon as I've made it into the Guinness Book of Records as the longest living criminal on the lam, I'll shuffle off the mortal coil again and find someone else to con (although not by quite as much as you might think. )

Keep selling those CDs

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