Right here goes
If that person or persons does not a slot for you to download from them it will either put you in a queue or give you the "can't dowload waiting for sources "
basically it's like this,
you need to do a bit of work getting your files
you did a search and got results then tried to dowload the file and that fails KEEP SEARCHING
keep an eye on the host stats I find 3 servers should give you about 1200 hosts. watch the messages I/O for any servers that are have noticably less messages for the amount of time connected and remove them
Hey you might get lucky and connect to 4,5,6 servers in which case don't touch them till it goes back down to 3 (the minimum)
another thing is chat(a bit of a longshot sometimes) to whoever you are trying to D/L from they may give the file via AIM or MSN
it's all worth a try
Good hunting |