Thread: shared folder
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Old June 2nd, 2003
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Originally posted by Peerless
All I can say is this..I just set up LW on this machine (win2kpro), made the shared/download directory "My Shared Folder" (KaZaA folder), which happens to reside in the home directory of my D: drive, and have no problems at took a bit of time to hash the files, but that's all...

I also have no real problems connecting and staying connected...of course there is the problem of getting a download slot, but that's a different fish...
.........LW isn't recognizing my file because SHAREAZA allready hahed them. no biggie I was just tring to satisfy a liittle curiousity that's all.
BTW: I ran into a couple of reviews of SHAREAZA. They basically said it was the best thing since sliced bread. 1.9 is the lastest version. I wish I could have used this one to see for myself.
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