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Old June 7th, 2003
Posts: n/a
Unhappy Red Dot on OSX...

Hi there,

I'm a new user, both on the MacOS (well, since the beginning of 2002, in fact) and the Limewire P2P platforms... I'm currently facing a problem i can't solve by myself (i'm faaar from a techie)... You probably could help me, maybe...

So, when i try to connect Limewire to the net, the dot / connection button stay green for less than a second, then turns red again and forever... Nothing happens on the connection window...

I checked my internet connection, no hardware problem with the modem, no firewall, automatic connection asked in the prefs... So, i thought it could be an OS incompatibility, but i'm still in the mist... I've heard that a connection could take time, but no information in the connection window after more than 10 minutes, soooo ?!???

FYI, here's my config :
- iMac G4/700
- internal Apple Modem 56K
- MacOS X 10.1.2. (it rocks... with memory)

Worse, i did not find tips to solve my problem in the FAQs nor the user guide's PDFs... I'm probably not the only user to meet this problem. Advice welcome, thanks.

By the way, nice site, nice community...
Best wishes from the sunny french Provence.
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