Originally posted by stief Any chance I can help you with a Shakespeare or Romantic Poetry class? |
Acq has been using Java 1.4 since it was still only available in the Developer's preview version. Should using 1.3 or 1.4 make much difference to the gnutella experience? |
Yes it should - and LimeWire 3.0.0 *should* be using Java 1.4 on OSX. I thought the problems with Java 1.4 had been sorted out weeks ago.
Is the URN (Uniform Resource Name?) generated/linked to the sha1 hash (how can I see/know a file's URN?). I thought I read that searches by hash had been blocked/stopped. |
The URN looks like this: "urn:<type>:<unique identifyer>" in the case of LimeWire and most other gnutella clients a string that looks like this is used: "urn:sha1:<sha1-hash>" -
Shareaza on the other hand uses "<urn:bitprint:<sha-1 hash>.<tigertree root hash>".
I noticed two new columns in the connections pane: compression I/O and QRP %. I like the compression stats (saves having to turn on advanced stats to view), but noted of the hosts reporting, most show 0/40. I have both options for compression enabled, so I guess 0 means I'm receiving 0% of that host's message as compressed, and 40 means I'm compressing 40% of the messages I send out. Did I get this backwards/sideways?
I don't know how to read the infrequent data in the QRP% column (Query Returned P?). Any suggestions? |
1) The compression stats show the bandwidth savings of incoming and outgoing compressions. Since older ultrapeers (2.9.9-2.9.11) have disabled outgoing compression by default, you will only see bandwidth savings in one direction.
2) The QRT (Query Route Table) is always empty if you are a leaf so "QRP %" shows 0. Only ultrapeers keep a QRT for the connections because they are shielding clients from traffic. - The higher the percentage, the more searches are forwarded to the connections (actually it's a little more complicated than that).
The QRT is sometimes a good way to identify freeloaders - although not everyone who has a very low "QRP %" value isn't sharing anything at all (except if that is 0) - the files he is sharing obviously just contain very few different keywords.
Cheers, and thanks again. LW has sure helped gnutella be better since those dismal times in November-January, even if I did log three beta crashes today! |
That's what a beta is all about. - (I suspect there is something else wrong with the installer because some files are not copied correctly on my system and LimeWire throws exceptions about some missing files all the time - since the cvs version works quite well I am confident LimeWire will sort this out).