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Old June 8th, 2003
stief stief is offline
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Join Date: January 11th, 2003
Location: Canada
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I'm on a mac G3 ibook, OS 10.2.6, LW 3.0 beta, connected to the internet through a software router to a 1Mb/sec cable modem. Those are my "specs", so if someone is using an old version LW with Windows 98 and a 56k modem, chances are I can't help, but someone who has similar specs can.

The Pro version offers support (never worked for me), so if someone asks a question in these forums, the answers are going to come from other users like you or me.

Re the library message, I've found some ways to get around it with OSX and newer LW versions. The easiest fix is to upgrade the LW version.

Cheers mommy.
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