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Old June 8th, 2003
stief stief is offline
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just some notes on using LWj3--

LWj is stable--it connected as an UP while behind the gateway without crashing. After a few minutes the connections were all lost (this usually results in a crash for me; NAT software related), so I waited a few minutes and quit. Rerouted the 1 Mbit/s cable modem to connect directly (no firewall on) and restarted. OS 10.2.6; ibook G3 700 384 RAM 11GB free sharing 158 files 2GB.

After restarting (prefs set to not connect automatically) and curiously--while disconnected, noted CPU was just as high as when connected. (50-70%). I had no searches going, so what's using all the CPU? Uploads trying to connect? btw--CPU usage as a leaf shows~ 25% open or hidden.

Took this as a chance to see if I could get et voilą's reported uploads at a steady 7k--mine usually show a steady 0k. I was watching the 3-5 uploads which started very quickly to see if they'd be steadier. They weren't: same initial burst of ~30KB/s (the initial burst doesn't show in the average reported on the Monitor pane, only in the stats) and then nothing--the uploads usually end up as "interrupted." Why should the uploads stutter? Something is breaking the connection, right? If this is not LW related, then I need to get my cablemodem replaced. (LW is sure good for testing equipment limits! )

tried trap_jaw's magnet when disconnected---didn't show in the downloads pane, so chose connect, but then LWj wouldn't hide (kept coming to the front) and wouldn't allow any other window to be foremost. Had to quit. This happened when connected directly or behind the NAT.

Console entries are a bit different. Under the previous LW3, console would report
/Applications/LimeWire/ kCGErrorFailure : CGTranslateCTM is obsolete; use CGContextTranslateCTM instead
The similar message in LWj3 is much more specific:
/Applications/LimeWire/ kCGErrorFailure : *** Parser error line 1, character position 52

Is this related to my setup compatibility issue or do other OSX users see this too?

Here's one I've never seen before:
2003-06-08 13:22:09.154 LimeWire[942] Warning: Font LucidaSans-TypewriterBold claims fixed-pitch with 0 max advance!

So, just some notes on the little I've seen so far. Thanks again for making the CVS build available. I owe you and others--can I send you a drink?
