Re: Wanna know how to use the information to get new nodes or servers [
I'm trying to get more nodes for Gnucleus but I don't know the way to use these adresses...]
there are three ways to use them:
1. Look in Gnucleus into the [Connections] window (if not open, open it in menu [windows] . There in lower left should appear: Add node. Write '' into 'Adress' and 6346 into 'port'.
Or I misunderstood you and you looked for a permanent solution:
2. Look into [Edit] [Preferences], and choose 'Servers'. Put it in there, accordingly.
3. Edit 'Gnuservers.ini' (gnucleus install directory), and add it to [Connect Servers].
Hope this helps...
PS. By the way: If you are having starting problems: Maybe you deactivated the auto connect or set the max/min connects improperly? If so, set them right ([Preferences] [Connect]) |