I just thought about something else, this only gives you a percentage of users that download, this information does not include people who share. This could very well effect the numbers, partly because BearShare is by far the most advertised (I heard it mentioned on TechTV a number of times along side Napster and other users, sites like zeropaid put that as one of their favorites despite the user ratings), this can skew things by getting most new users who dont have much to share, are out there looking for things to download. Then there are those who download a few things and share a lot and have tried diffrent ones, have less things to download (experienced guntella users). So its more likely the newbie will be accounted for more then the experienced users by tracking what people are downloading.
I think a more well rounded statistic would both include uploads and downloads... I'll give it a try (I need to free up hard drive space though
), see what the results are...