Thread: Okb/s....always
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Old June 24th, 2003
thasquintz thasquintz is offline
Join Date: June 23rd, 2003
Posts: 2
thasquintz is flying high
Question Okb/s....always

every time i try to download something, it starts off fast since i have a cable modem... but after a few seconds, it quickly slows and eventually goes to 0kb/s... if i click resume... nothing happens... it will still say that i am downloading from an IP address or 2 hosts, but it is at 0kb/s... if i kill the download, and click on the file to download it again, it will start up the same way, make it a little farther usually, and do the same thing... my connection is fine because my internet and other programs work, and i am still connected and able to search on limewire... help me download.... please...
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