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Old July 9th, 2003
Eskimo Eskimo is offline
Join Date: June 27th, 2003
Location: Alaska
Posts: 7
Eskimo is flying high
Angry IP address starting with 192- and 10-

This is to whomever gave the advice to block all users with the ip address of 192-or 10- users. I was under the impression they were leafs that had no files to offer. So i took this persons advice and blocked all these users which started with the said IP #. I looked on the net and it gave me my IP address, something starting with a 6... Well in my system preferences (FYI) on my macOSX notebook computer using wireless internet it states my IP address begins with a 192...
Maybe my network configured the info. wrong and my real IP starts with a 6..., but before i trust a internet site, i would love an explation as to how my computer got so confused. I am not freeloader on the limewire system. Ive been an ultrapeer many times, and ive got files to share, worthy of thou.

Im taking off the restrictions i placed on IP addresses unless someone can convice me my computer is wrong.
Attached Thumbnails
IP address starting with 192- and 10--zzcopyl.jpg  
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