Originally posted by sdsalsero One question, though: How does this avoid duplicate uploads from the original source? For instance, if I download the first 1MB of a file, then the source-IP goes off-line, and I end-up sharing my 1MB of file with a dozen other people. Now, the source-IP comes back on-line. Do I and the others all request the same 2nd MB of the file? Assuming it's bigger than just 2MB, I would hope we all request different parts of the file so that, if the source goes off-line again before we all finish, we can all share our different parts and hopefully end-up with a completed file. |
This may be a small improvement, but do you think it's a good idea to fragment the partial files any more than absolutely necessary (you migh want to preview a file, for example)? How often do you suppose a case like this will occur?
Also, when will there be an option to disable Host Browsing of your own machine? I understand that this won't absolutely prevent people from seeing your files (since you need to post your file-list to your UltraPeers) but I think it will help (privacy) more than it will hurt (convenience for others). |
You don't upload your file-list to your Ultrapeer. You just upload a list of hashed keywords that cannot be used to reconstruct what you are sharing.