Thread: Java problems.
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Old July 21st, 2003
samuraiDRIVE samuraiDRIVE is offline
Join Date: July 21st, 2003
Posts: 3
samuraiDRIVE is flying high
Default Java problems.

I feel bad, because I'm new, so I'm sure you've had this question before... but I just can't find the answer anywhere!!!

I'm a new user to Mac. I'm using version 9.02, MRJ 2.2.5, and have LimeWire version 3.2.3 installed. The installation went through for MRJ and LimeWire, but when I try to open LimeWire, I get this error message.

"Unable to open java application.

The main class "com/zerog/lax/LAX" could not be loaded. Yadda yadda yadda..."

I've tried reinstalling both programs and still get the same message. Can anyone give me tips on what to do with this? Thanks!
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