Ok the link to get the linux rpm of sun java is:
Go there and download the rpm. there are instructions on how to install it there.
Ion a redhat machine it will create the directory /usr/java/j2.<version>
to fix the path and maintain it after to reboot and such, a simple fix is this:
create a text file in your
/etc/profile.d directory (you'll need root permission) and call it
something like java_path.sh.
In the file enter in this string:
"export PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/j2re_1.4.2/bin"
Make sure that the /usr/java/....part points to your bin directory
wherever you installed your java and that the j2re part matches the actual path to that bin directory.
Save the file. Log out and log back in. at a console type "java
-version" if everything went well it should be good to go.
To make sure is in your PATH listing type in a console "echo $PATH" if everything went well you should see the path to your java bin directory at the lend of the list.