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Old July 28th, 2003
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MacTerminator MacTerminator is offline
Brain updates D/Ld on P2P
Join Date: March 30th, 2002
Location: Spain
Posts: 190
MacTerminator is flying high

I stopped using Limewire for a few months - after having problems with the unexpected quitting bug that was mentioned on the OSX boards - and used Shareaza and Kazaa Lite on VPC instead (Acquisition hasn't convinced me altogether). But the recent 3.x versions appear to have fixed this and I've noticed much better network and GUI performance in general. I still miss the halcyon days of 1000+ search hits though (and yes, I've read the posts on this subject).

I'm glad the Limewire team has decided to concentrate on general stability and network performance rather than bells and whistles. After a few months of problems (especially on OSX) the work seems to have paid off.

Incidentally, I would like to thank the RIAA / MPAA for motivating me to upgrade to cable which means I now devote 35k/s of upload bandwidth and the best part of an 80 gig external firewire drive to sharing on the Gnutella/G2/edonkey/Fastrack networks 24 hours a day.

Finally, a quick question for the marketing buffs out there:

Which of these is the best way to encourage consumers to buy your products:
A. Offer them a quality product for a reasonable price
B. Grossly overcharge them and force a mediocre, cloned product down their throats
C. Sue them or send them to jail?

Please e-mail answers to Sony, EMI, Universal, Virgin, Warner etc.
Attached Thumbnails
LimeWire 3.3.3 Beta-riaaagent.jpg  

Last edited by MacTerminator; July 28th, 2003 at 09:19 AM.