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Old August 1st, 2003
tambourine-man tambourine-man is offline
Join Date: July 24th, 2003
Posts: 6
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Saturday Evening (a week after last post): So the problem finally comes full-circle... After reading a number of other forums on various other P2P networks, it has came to my attention that my original ideas about overheating may have been "in the ballpark". The more I think about it, the seemingly irregular crashes, increasing in frequency and intensity with continued usage, would tally with a heat-problem.

It seems that a number of other P2P clients (including Kazaar) have an option that disables "ultrapeer" or "supernode" actions, reducing the workload of the system (and, presumably, the amount of heat it generates), (why is this enabled, as a downloaded default? I have a 1.7Ghz, 224Mb RAM, AMD Athlon, running on XP, connected via an ADSL line at 576Kbps and it kills my machine). Anyway, I disabled this feature on all P2P clients and they've worked brilliantly (apart from Morpheus, which appears to have completely packed-up).

So there you go - a heating problem. I've managed to reveal my technical ignorannce and P2P naiivity in one, fell swoop. Never mind, I hope it helps some other n00bie. I take back all statements about LimeWire or Gnutella being crap, (or stinking worse than my cat).


Last edited by tambourine-man; August 1st, 2003 at 05:39 PM.
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