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Old August 4th, 2003
Join Date: July 21st, 2003
Location: Winnipeg, MB CANADA
Posts: 30
GRAPHICA is flying high
Default MP3'S OR QT


Question: when you are looking at the list of things to download - are asking for a particular song or are you asking LW for a specific extension?

Regardless what you've downloaded, if it is a MP3 and you LAUNCH it from the SAVED folder, your computer is probably using QT as a default player.

Try to download a couple of different players. You can get a free version of REALPLAYER from Yoou can also get a nice FREE player from DESTINY.

After you have D/L whichever player you like all of for MP3's that you have played on that particular player will p robably default to that player.

TRUST ME -- you are not D/L QT files.

P.S. Destiny will play MOST of your downloads, RealPlayer will more than likely play almost evrerything.

HOWEVER, it seems that as soon as you D/L R/P -- within a real short time they have a NEWer version for you.

I use DESTINY most of the time. These are really BASIC players

Good Luck

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